Why is it that all of my ex's seem to weasel their way back into my life? i can literally tell you about 5 different occasions when i have suddenly woken up next to a past loves/flings/make out whores. did they need a place to crash? sure. did they need to sleep naked? now thats a little blurry...
so after a recent run in with an "old friend" at Bay to Breakers, i have to start wondering if there is a warning sign on my forehead that reads, "take advantage of [my] open door policy." i cant completely blame the boys, they are just following their heart/dick down a bread crumb path back to a past conquest, and its up to me to let them in. unfortunately i have usually let them all in (point boys) but once in, i control the next steps (point me, mofo). since this started with my first bf when i was 18, i have controlled things for the most part and have only a select few regrets. i mean, not all ex's should be granted the right to hop back into my life, but a few have somehow forced their way. this may have included the gift of cupcakes, over kill on compliments, and bringing up the glory days of the past. tricky bastards. they are good.
but not, i have decided to change all that. ex's are out and strangers are in. well not Night Stalkers and that such, but you understand. its may 2011 for Christ's sake, and if the Mayans are correct, i have little than over a year to nab the perfect stranger before the world ends. so here goes. time to start a new with a new boo.
too bad im having dinner tonight with that "old friend" from the weekend and im sure he will insist on sleeping naked. (you know how uncomfortable jeans are in bed....)
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